Sunday, October 28, 2012

Check Out!

The following story is chapter 85 in the book entitled "Look How Things Work Out!" 

A few months ago, I got a call at my office from someone claiming to be from the web hosting service I was using, saying that my domain name was about to expire and asking if I would like to renew . . . by giving them my credit card number. 

I tell you what, I felt so SMART when I recognized this as a scam and told the guy I'd renew online!   He called back a month later saying my domain name HAD expired.  Once again, since I hadn't received the notification emails the caller said I should have gotten, I just KNEW this was an attempt to steal my identity!  I am just so savvy!!

One step short of starting a new career with SCAMBUSTERS, I checked my website.  Shockingly, I discovered that my domain name had expired.  Then I checked my "junk" email folder.  Yep.  There they were. 

Guess I'll stick with my current job.

The up-side of all this is that I got a chance to reconsider my domain name . . .  (drumroll please) and was delighted to learn that was available and is now all mine!!   

This is a good time to officially and effusively thank the King of the (usually groan-inducing) pun, who came up with the title for my blog in about 5 seconds flat, and Juliette Kohrs for still being my friend AFTER designing my website. 

LookAtMeee!  I'm a DotCom! 

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